If it could go wrong it did. I didn't think that a person could be so freaking stupid or insensitive, BOY was I wrong. But HOPEFULLY, he will get it in the end. This Freakin ASSHOLE that I work with at Wal-Mart decided that I needed to be number 1 in his cross-hairs for the last few months -- nay about the last year if memory is correct. DAMN, I have put up with his shit that long. I am just as stupid as those women who take back their freakin abusive husbands. BUT TODAY, I took a step forward and laid the gauntlet DOWN on his ass!!!! This ASS has been verbally harassing and terrorizing me for months now, this time he totally fucked up. Mostly it's been she said --- he said shit. TODAY, he did it in front of people including a manager. YIPPEE!! I have mentioned it to other managers but they have always said oohhh that is just the way he is and deal with it. I am totally scared to be in the same room with him afraid that he will just start going off on me for no reason, so I have avoided him, not talked to him. In fact just steered away if he came into the same part of the store I was in. NOT anymore!!
my empowerment speech.. gotta love it, right hehehe.
so any who, he decided that I don't know how do my job and he does so he proceeded to tell me that I can't do it and that I am a little girl to him and a basically a second-class citizen.
I hope he looses his job. My day will be complete. thank you
He has picked on me one too many times. I will have my day in court. Wal-Mart court but it will be a good day in My World.
To no avail I did have my "Day in Court" and I am still seething about the injustice that I am getting in this store. This man/thing/no human speed bump has still a job and still looms over me like he is the KING of all women
Life rounded me up and gave me a virtual black eye.
So, my idea of being a sweet person and letting things slide and nothing can bother me has been blown into little bits.
Finally, the management of my store has started to do something about that A-hole that cussed me out last summer. Yeah, TWO months later, but it was a 'talking' too. Almost too little too late kinda thing for my taste. THE A-HOLE got me again, I had to go out and do one of his freaking responsibilities that I don't get paid for and he was suppose to finish up something that HE had ignored to do at the first of the week, so now it was late and there were 'reports' getting printed that the big boss was getting. Those reports let them know that the assistant isn't doing their job. So, I was bailing out the department again and HE FUCKED me over... needless to say I ain't at all happy. That BIGOTED fucker needs to be --- GAWD I don't know what do to him. But he lives several centuries behind the rest of the world. One thing he doesn't need to be workin in MY store anymore that is a fact.
Thank you for reading and keep it up. Maybe I will be less vulgar and more ME but the Wal-Martian has changed my DNA to just a mean and spiteful person, I don't know who I am anymore. I need something different. Let's work on changing me back to my sweet cool self again.